No. 58/M-DAG/PER/12/2008




In view of:


To stipulate:


Article 1

In this Ministerial Regulation :

Article 2

(1) Non B3 Wastes which may be imported are only in the form of Leftovers, Scraps or Remnants which are used for raw materials and/or auxiliary materials of industry.

(2) Non B3 Wastes which may be imported as intended in the paragraph (1) is specified in Attachment I which constitutes as integral part of this Ministerial Regulation.

Article 3

(1) Non B3 Wastes as intended in the Article 2 may only be imported by the company which is engaged in industrial business activities and has obtained Identification as Non B3 Wastes IP from the Director General.

(2) Identification as Non B3 Wastes IP as intended in the paragraph (1) at least contains number and type of Non B3 Wastes IP which may be imported by Non B3 Wastes IP together with technical conditions of its importation implementation.

Article 4

(1) Request to get Recognition as Non B3 Wastes IP as intended in the Article 3 paragraph (1) must be submitted in writing to the Director General with the attachment of the following documents:

(2) The Director General issues Recognition as Non B3 Wastes IP as intended in the paragraph (1) not later than 5 (five) working days effective from the request is received completely and correctly.

Article 5

(1) Recognition as Non B3 Wastes IP issued based on condition as intended in the Article 4 paragraph (2) shall be valid for one (1) year and may be extended.

(2) The extension for the Recognition as Non B3 Wastes IP may be carried out prior to the termination of the validity period of the Non B3 Wastes IP as intended in the paragraph (1) in case the Non B3 Wastes approved for import has been entirely realized.

(3) Request for the extension of Recognition as Non B3 Wastes IP as intended in the paragraph (1) is submitted in writing to the Director General with the attachment of the following documents:

(4) Recommendation as intended in the paragraph (3) a and b is required if the type and/or volume of the wastes to be imported exceeds that of the previous year.

Article 6

(1) The implementation of the Non B3 Wastes import by Non B3 Waste IP shall be required to be provided with Statement from the Exporter of Non B3 Wastes that states :

(2) In case the Non B3 Wastes imported is evidently as B3 Wastes as intended in the paragraph (1) b, the Non B3 Wastes shall be required to be re-sent not later than ninety (90) days effective from the arrival of the goods based on the prevailing customs documents.

(3) Re-send of the Non B3 Wastes as intended in paragraph (2) shall become responsibility of the Surveyor.

Article 7

(1) Non B3 Wastes IP shall submit a written report either to import or not to import the Non B3 Wastes every quarterly.

(2) The report as intended in the paragraph (1) is submitted to the Director General in this case Import Director of Ministry of Trade.

(3) The form of the report as intended in the paragraph (1) is stated in the Attachment II which constitutes as integral part of this Ministerial Regulation.

Article 8

(1) Any importation of the Non B3 Wastes by the Non B3 Wastes IP shall be verified or technically traced in the loading country prior to shipment.

(2) The verification or technical tracing as intended in the paragraph (1) is carried out by the Surveyor which has fulfilled technical requirements, and is stipulated by the Minister.

(3) The scope of the implementation of the verification or technical tracing as intended in the paragraph (1) shall comprise the following matters:

(4) The verification or technical tracing as intended in the paragraph (1) is especially for the type of Non B3 Wastes number 6 until 63 of Attachment I of this Ministerial Regulation and is carried out by PT. Surveyor Indonesia (PT. SI) and PT. Superintending Company of Indonesia (PT. SUCOFINDO) or other surveyors which fulfil technical requirements and implement verification or technical tracing in accordance with the scope as intended in the paragraph (3).

(5) The verification or technical tracing as intended in the paragraph (1) for the import of Non B Wastes as intended in number 6 until 63 of Attachment I of this Ministerial Regulation may be carried out by a surveyor appointed by a Non B3 Wastes IP concerned for a period of not more than 6 (six) months effective from this Ministerial Regulation is stipulated, and to carry out verification or technical tracing in accordance with the scope as intended in paragraph (3) since February 1, 2009.

(6) The verification or technical tracing results based on the scope as intended in the paragraph (3) are stated in the form of a Surveyor Report (LS) to be used as customs supplementary documents to process customs clearance in import

(7) The surveyor shall be responsible to the results of the verification of technical tracing as intended in the paragraph (6).

(8) In case the Non B3 Wastes imported is evidenced as B3 Wastes as intended in the Article 6 paragraph (1) b that is verified or technically traced by the Surveyor as intended in the paragraph (5), the re-shipment of the Wastes shall become responsibility of the Non B3 Wastes IP.

(9) After the termination of the period of 6 (six) months as intended in paragraph (5), the implementation of the verification or technical tracing for the import of Non B3 Wastes as intended in number 6 until 63 of Attachment I of this Ministerial Regulation is carried out by the Surveyor stipulated by the Minister as intended in the paragraph (2).

(10) In case the Non B3 Wastes in the form of bulk will be transhipped in a transit port, it shall be verified or technically re-traced at the time the Non B3 Wastes will be re-loaded to the ship:

(11) The Surveyor shall collect fees from importer for the implementation of the verification or technical tracing as intended in the paragraph (1) and paragraph (10) which the value is provided by observing the principles of benefit.

(12) The Surveyor as intended in the paragraph (2) shall be required to submit a report on verification or technical tracing activities in writing every month to the Director General.

Article 9

(1) Recognition as Non B3 Wastes IP shall be frozen if the Non B3 Wastes IP concerned fails to fulfil its obligation to submit the report as intended in the Article 7 paragraph (1).

(2) The freezing of the Recognition as Non B3 Wastes IP as intended in the paragraph (1) may be re-activated within a period of 1 (one) month effective from the Non B3 Wastes IP concerned has implemented its obligation to submit the report.

(3) The freezing and re-activation of the Recognition as the Non B3 Wastes IP as intended in the paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) are carried out by the Director General.

Article 10

(1) The recognition of the Non B3 Wastes IP shall be revoked if the Non B3 Wastes IP concerned:

(2) The revocation of the Recognition as the Non B3 Wastes IP as intended in paragraph (1) is stipulated by the Director General.

(3) The owner of the Non B3 Wastes IP who is liable to sanction of revocation as intended in the paragraph (2) may only submit its request to obtain again the Recognition as the Non B3 Wastes IP after 1 (one) year effective from the revocation of the Recognition as Non B3 Wastes IP is stipulated.

Article 11

(1) Any violation by the Surveyor with respect to the conditions in the Article 8 paragraph (12) shall be liable to an administrative sanction in the form of revocation of the appointment as Surveyor.

(2) The revocation of the appointment as intended in the paragraph (1) is preceded by a written warning 3 (three) times within interval 10 (ten) days respectively.

Article 12

Further provisions of this Ministerial Regulation shall be provided by the Director General.

Article 13

Recognition as Non B3 Wastes IP which is issued is based on:

are stated to remain valid until the termination of the validation period of the Non B3 Wastes IP.

Article 14

(1) Within the framework of supervision on the implementation of this Ministerial Regulation, the Director General may form a supervisory task unit consisting of the related technical agency.

(2) The supervisory task unit as intended in the paragraph (1) is in charge of evaluating and monitoring and giving recommendation to the Minister through the Director General as a reference of consideration to stipulate a policy.

Article 15

At the time when this Regulation of the Minister takes effect, the Regulation of the Minister of Trade No. 41/M-DAG/PER/10/2008 on Import Regulation of Non Poisonous and Dangerous Wastes (Non 63) is revoked and stated void

Article 16

This Ministerial Regulation shall come into force as from the date of stipulation.

For public cognizance, this Ministerial Regulation shall be announced by placing it in the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia.

Stipulated in Jakarta
On December 24, 2008